If a lot of French people today decide to move from a physical bank to an online bank, it is not for nothing. Indeed, these platforms very regularly offer promotional offers for their customers, but they also offer the opportunity to considerably reduce bank charges. If you are considering opening an account with an online bank, find out what requirements you need to meet.
Why choose an online bank?
If online banks in France have now become so popular, it is because of the many advantages it offers, unlike a traditional bank. In order to best satisfy their customers, its establishments do not skimp on profitability by offering numerous bonuses:
- Account opening bonus
- Credit card often free of charge
- Automatically authorized overdraft
- Low or virtually no account fees
- Premium on opening a savings product
As a result, these platforms are attracting more and more customers, and today each of the renowned establishments has more than one million customers. The question is therefore how to open your account and earn the opening bonus.
Terms and conditions
In order to subscribe to an online banking account, it is essential to have a minimum income that will determine the ideal offer for you: standard, gold or premium. You should also be aware that the conditions for opening an account vary considerably from one bank to another. While some banks allow you to open an account without any condition of income or residence (a minimum subscription is required for subscription).
In any case, the different elements taken into account when opening an account, regardless of the bank, are :
- The salary level
- The domiciliation
- The possibility for the 1st deposit
Opt for online banking, what are the advantages?
To start with, as soon as you open your account, you automatically earn a few euros, which is considered a welcome bonus. From the outset, you are paid to open an account. Afterwards, you should also know that online banks are constantly offering referral offers that can earn you a referral bonus for every customer you bring in. This then gives you the opportunity to earn a real amount of money without having to make a lot of effort.
Finally, you will also be able to take advantage of a better rate in addition to the more attractive life insurance offers compared to those offered by physical banks. To find the platform with the best offers, don't hesitate to use a comparison of online banks.